Freetime, the supply of labor and saving

The F.I.R.E. movement

F.I.R.E. stands for Financial Independence Retire Early, and the movements consists of people that aim to save so much in their early working life, that they achieve financial independence and even the opportunity to retire early before they even hit there mid age. In the movement there are even 30-somethings that declared themselves retirees!

But in many ways, FIRE is a concept that works best in good economic times, where it can be relatively easy to secure a well-paying job and stock markets are buoyant. The basis for many "retirement" plans is to save enough so that a 4% real return on their investments is enough to pay for their yearly costs. In this way, a nest-egg can last in perpetuity assuming that your investments, over the long term, earn a real return of 4%.

When Corona came, many in the FIRE movement had to change their plans somewhat. Perhaps they lost their jobs and couldn't save as much as previously. When the stock market fell, many also had to reevaluate how much saving they needed.

In the end, how much someone changes their saving or decisions about how much they will work over their lifetimes in response to a change in their income and budgets will vary by individual. These types of decisions about how much to work and save over time is what we will be studying in this lesson.

Supply of labor

When you get a higher wage, will you work more or less?

Supply of labor: Using algebra

We can write total income as:


We write our budget constraint letting our income be equal to our consumption:


Inserting our definition of leisure, \(F=24-L\)


In our figure, we had (x) alone on the vertical axis, so let's divide by p.

$$x =\frac{-w}{p}*F + \frac{w}{p}*24 + \frac{m}{p}$$

The slope of the budget line will be, \(\frac{-w}{p}\). In other words our real wage is how much consumption one hour of work can buy.

The optimal condition is then when the slope of the indifference curve (Marginal Rate of Substitution) is the same as the slope of the budget constraint, \(\frac{-w}{p}\). This is the point where our preferences between consumption and leisure is equal to the market price of work: our wage.

How much should we save?

Saving: With Algebra

What we saw in the previous section was that the slope of the budget curve (representing the relative "price" of consumption between the two periods) was the interest rate. Or to be precise: \(-(1+r)\). That is to say that if we want one more unit of consumption today, we will need to give up (1+r) units of consumption in the next period. (Jeg har også brukt antakelsen at prisene er like i de to periodene.)

The ends of the budget line represent the extremes. If you will have all your consumption now, and nothing in the next period, then you will have \(m_1+\frac{m_2}{(1+r)}\)

We can interpret \(\frac{m_2}{(1+r)}\) as the present value of the income you earn in period 2.

If you want all your consumption in the next period, then your consumption will be \((m_1*(1+r) + m_2)\).

So far we have assumed that the price levels are the same in the two periods. If we have two different price levels: \(p_1\) and \(p_2\), then the slope of the budget curve becomes: \(-(1+r)\frac{p_1}{p_2}\)

If s represents saving, then we can write our consumption in the first period as:

$$p_1*x_1 = m_1-s$$

Moving s over to the left side:


And the same for period 2:

$$p_2*x_2 = m_2 + (1+r)*s$$

And then putting s on the left side:

$$(1+r)*s = p_2*x_2 - m_2$$

This just shows that the difference between our income and consumption in period 2 is equal to our saving in the first period with added interest.

Dividing by (1+r) we get.


Putting together our two equations where s is on the left side:

$$\frac{p_2*x_2}{1+r}-\frac{m_2}{1+r} = m_1-p_1*x_1$$

Then moving the income terms to the right side and consumption terms to the left we get:

$$\frac{p_2*x_2}{1+r} + p_1*x_1 = \frac{m_2}{1+r} + m_1$$

Here we see a simple, intuitive result that we nonetheless can sometimes forget. The sum of our consumption over our two periods must equal the sum of our income, taking into account of interest.

So when a nation, like the US, takes out a loan in order to increase public consumption, what does that mean? Simply put, that borrowed money means that the US will need to accept less public consumption at a later point.

Finally, we can rearange so that \(x_2\) is alone on the left-hand side:

$$x_2 = \frac{(1+r)*m_1 + m_2}{p_2} - (1+r)\frac{p_1}{p_2}x_1$$

The slope of the budget line is: \(- (1+r)\frac{p_1}{p_2}\) and if the price levels over the two periods are the same, the equation simplifies to \(- (1+r)\). So here we get an interpretation of what an interest rate represents: It measures the relative price of consumption between now and later.

Optimal consumption: Between now and later



  1. You make a wage of 20 euro and you have a job where you can freely choose the number of hours you work (like a taxi driver). You also get a certain fixed income that is independent of hours worked. This is equivalent to 40 euro per day.

    Du tjener 20 euro i lønn and du har en jobb der du står fritt til å øke eller redusere dine antall timer (kanskje som en taxisjåfør som kan velge sine egne timer.) Du har også noe fast income som du får uansett om hvor mange timer du jobber (kanskje leieinntekt fra en utleiedel av dit hus.) Dette tilsvarer 40 euro per dag.

    a.) How much does an hour of leisure cost?

    b.) Given that you are limited to 24 hours in a day, what is the maximum consumption you can achieve?

    c.) Draw a budget curve with consumption on the y-axis and x-axis?

    d.) In the following year, we have inflation of 20%, that is all prices for consumption goods have increased on average 20%. Your wages and fixed income are unchanged. How does your budget curve change?

    e.) Say you have an indifference curve as above where the price effect is bigger than the income effect of a price change. Will inflation as in d.) lead you to choose more or less leisure time?

    a.) One hour of leisure costs what you could have made in wages - 20 euro

    b.) 24*20 euro + 40 euro = 520 euro.

    c.) The slope is -20 - how much consumption you have to give up in order get an extra hour of leisure.

    d.) When inflation is 20% (a factor of 1,2) then our real consumption is reduced to (5200/1,2).

    The slope of our budget curve has become less steep, our real wage has been reduced, thus we have to give up less in order to have an extra hour of leisure.

    e. Your real wage has decreased, thus the price effect will lead you to want more leisure. Prisvridningseffekten vil derfor føre til at du ønsker å ha mer fritid. But your real income has also been reduced, and assuming that leisure is a normal good, we will want less of it when income is reduced. Without more specific information on the shape of our indifference curve, the sign of the total effect is unknown.

  2. Saving and consumption in two periods

    Let us assume you earn 10,000 euro in period 1 and 15,000 euro in period 2. The interest rate is 10%.

    a.) What is the maximum amount of consumption that it is possible to have in both periods (assuming you have enough to pay back a loan)?

    b.) Draw a budget curve that represents possible combinations of consumptions in periods 1 and 2. What is the slope of the curve?

    c.) If the interest triples to 30%, what happens to the budget curve? There is a point that does not move, what is this point represent?

    a.) You can choose to have maximum \(10,000 + \frac{15,000}{1.1} \approx 23,600\) euro of consumption in the first period.

    Or maximum \(10,000*1.1 + 15,000 = 26,000\) consumption in the second period.

    b and c.) The blue curve reprents the budget curve with a 10% interest rate. The slope is -1.10: The factor that indicates how much extra you get in consumption the second period by giving up consumption in the first period. When the interest rate increases, the slope of the line increases (the dotted line). The point that does not change is where there is no borrowing or saving - you consume exactly your income in each period.

  3. Optimal saving and consumption

    The figure below shows an individuals optimal consumption between two periods given an interest rate of 20%.

    a.) Does this individual save or borrow money in the first period?

    b.) If the interest rate decreases to 5%, how will this affect consumption?

    c.) When the interest rate is reduced, what will be the price and income effects?

    d.) Is it possible to say what sign the total effect will have?

    a.) Initially, they have more consumption than income, thus they must borrow money at 20% interest rate.

    b.) The new budget curve is shown in the figure. Since the interest rate has decreased, then can now borrow more money and have higher consumption in the first period.

    c.) Consumption in the first period has become relatively cheaper, thus the price effect shifts consumption from period 2 to 1.

    Since the individual had initially borrowed money, a lower interest rate means a higher real income. This will lead to higher consumption in both periods.

    d.) For period 1, both the price and income effects are positive, and thus the total effect will also be positive. For period 2, the price and income effects are of opposite sign, so the total effect is unknown.