Introduction to Microeconomics: Interactive Lessons
Johannes Mauritzen
ISBN 978-82-693160-4-9

About Introduction to Microeconomics: Interactive Lessons
When the pandemic started, I was thrown into teaching a large introductory course in microeconomics for second-year students in a bachelor in business program. I was unhappy with the standard digital teaching tools on offer, namely making hour-long videos or trying to teach live over zoom. The near universal experience with these techniques was a total lack of student engagement.
At the same time I was learning some introductory web programming and I decided to start making some interactive web pages that might help in explaining microeconomic concepts. The end result was a set of digital lectures, or "lessons" that roughly covers the contents common in many introductory courses in microeconomics. The following lessons are updated and translated to english from the original Norwegian version, which can be found here.
The lessons include figures that can be manipulated in order to demonstrate the dynamics in some simple microeconomic models. In addition, the lessons include True/False quizzes to engage and test conceptual knowledge.A mathematical and algebraic treatment of models is an important component of the modern microeconomic field. This treatment is mainly left for the problems at the end of each lesson, all of which include fully worked solutions.
The choice of topics and the structure of the lessons is largely a result of the content in the course taught at BI Norwegian Business School (which I did not decide). I also largely follow the structure of the text book used, Modern Microeconomics ("Moderne Mikroøkonomi, 4. utgave, 2017") by Riis and Moen. However, the discussion and explanation of the topics and models are my own, as are any mistakes or omissions.
This is a work in progress. Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome at
You can cite as:
Mauritzen, Johannes (2023). Introduction to Microeconomics: Interactive Lessons. Last accessed (date). ISBN 978-82-693160-4-9.
Part I: Consumer theory
Part II: Producer theory
Part III: Theory of markets
- Riis and Moen (2017), "Moderne Mikroøkonomi", 4. edition.
- The Economy. The CORE project.